Team Raffee Co. Defender D90 Hard Body & Pickup Truck


After the release of the highly detailed TRC Defender Station Wagon and Pickup Truck hard bodies, here are two brand new D90 2-door hard bodies.

The new D90 body has all of the same high quality features as the Team Raffee Co. Defender Station Wagon and Pickup Truck.

As with the 4-door version, the new 2-door hard body is slightly longer and wider than the currently available D90 hard body on the market.

The new chassis set will include rails, body posts and bumpers with part TRC/302225

Defender D90 body: TRC/302223

Defender D90 Pickup body: TRC/302224







 More specs and details of these two bodies coming soon.

Author:Jason T.

Tags: Defender, D90, Team Raffee Co.

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